Sunday, December 4, 2011

Designing: Philip 2

To make Philip lighter, we altered our original design and eliminated one wheel to make the car have only three wheels. We decided to keep the CDs as the wheels because they were light and had little friction.

In our second attempt we used:
  • 4 markers
  • 3 CDs
  • plastic pipe (cut into ¼ inch pieces)
  • Bertucci's take-out box
  • metal coat hanger
  • lots of tape
  • lots of glue
We wanted to make the body of the car lighter. Instead of using the whole plastic Bertucci's box, we cut out a triangle frame to be used as the body. The CD wheels we crafter earlier were glued onto the frame. For the front wheel, we made a plastic ring that wrapped around and through the CD. This was then attatched to the front of the car. We noticed that the frame was a little flimsy, so we took a metal coat hanger and cut it to make a rod to support the two ends of the frame (not yet displayed in the picture above). To hold the balloon in place, we cut a small hole in a bottle cap and glued it to the back of the car. Once the balloon was blown up, the nozzle was inserted into the bottle cap. Then, we tested Philip 2.

The plastic frame was definitely too flimsy, even with the wire rod for support. We need something that is sturdy and will not flop around, but also light weight. It's off to A.C. Moore to buy some balsa wood!

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